How to Restore Declining Rainfall in North India

While due to annual fluctuations some years enjoy a good rainfall in Northern India, the overall trend over the last fifty years as deduced by the India Meteorological department is a falling rain fall. This finding was revealed in newspaper report today

This is worrisome all the more since requirements of fresh water has increased greatly in the same period due to a huge rise of population in the last fifty years. The report further says that they cannot pinpoint the cause hence also not a solution. However, a recent NASA study provides both the cause and the solution. According to it, trees and forest help to create rain.

Declining rainfall has followed the pattern of reducing trees due to increasing urbanization, farming and deforestation in the same period and the solution likely lies in increasing trees and forests. Trees help to improve the climate and environment too as well as reduce extreme weather events that too have been increasing simultaneously. If a rainfall of a whole month falls in a day, it will lead to floods. Spread more evenly it enriches the climate. Forests by introducing surface roughness help to reduce turbulence in the atmosphere and thereby lead to a more even climate.

When considering new trees for forests, emphasis must be given to those that produce food and fodder. Trees of the mulberry family and the drumstick tree are excellent fast growing trees for this purpose.


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