
Showing posts from April, 2011

Dangers of improper rain water harvesting

Nainital Lake O ver the last century, human population has grown and along with it there has been a tremendous growth in cities. A direct consequence of this growth is that urban populations in many cities across the world are facing water shortages. Along with sunshine and fresh air, water is a primary requirement for life and any shortage in its supply spells a diminished quality of life. There are primarily three sources of water available to human populations – rain, surface water such as lakes and rivers and lastly ground water. The source of all three is rain that rises from the abundant oceans on the planet. However with increasing use and population growth, both surface and ground water is not only getting depleted but also getting polluted. Whenever water shortages occur there is often a cry to conserve water. One basic point is forgotten in this cry – WATER CANNOT BE DESTROYED – by most natural processes. It requires chemical and other possesses such as electrol