
Showing posts from March, 2018

Some Dangers of Modern Food and Nutrition

A t the outset it may be mentioned that this author, although a scientist, is not one from the nutritional area but from another from the physical sciences. Therefore, what has been written in this note is merely from common sense albeit tempered with the scientific approach. It is aided by a lifetime of experience of foods and nutrition in different parts of the globe. On the other hand, there are advantages from an expert from outside the field writing this note as shall became clear on reading it. The present note was sparked by a hugely laudable new mission launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji of India yesterday to improve child nutrition in India (Poshan Mission). Such an initiative is needed everywhere in the world but most especially in countries such as India where child mortality rates are high. While this mission unfolds, it is worth focusing on two types of dangers that exist is this area, due to lack of information, some of which are already unfoldi