How to Curb Corruption in India

Countries that have low levels of corruption have a high quality of life and much beauty

It is widely recognized that corruption is a major cause that holds back development in India and perpetuates poverty. More than ten years ago, this author published a note that described a mathematical relationship between levels of corruption and levels of poverty that prevail in different parts of the world. It is in the public domain online.

The new Government of Shri Narendra Modi has been seized of the problem. One of its achievements has been elimination of big ticket top level corruption. While this is sure to have an impact over the long term, in the immediate future it seems that at lower levels corruption shall continue to increase as it has over the last several decades. Today a report in the Times of India described that it has increased by 5% in 2015. Corrupt officials at the lower level are like carnivorous animals that once having tasted human blood cannot live without it. Such corruption is what citizens face daily leading to extreme harassment and distrust in government organizations.

The TOI report says, the government amended the prevention of corruption act last year with longer prison terms for both bribe givers and bribe takers. Herein lies a trap that promotes corruption. Bribe givers become accomplices in the crime from fear of prosecution even if bribe is extorted from them as it often is. A new amendment to the law would correct this lacuna and go a long way in fighting widespread corruption in India,
“Provided that the bribe giver shall have immunity from prosecution under this act if he reports the crime within a week of the offense online or by registered letter at the following address-----.”
The act can work with lightening speed if yet another amendment is added,
If the bribe giver submits evidence of the offense that leads to conviction then he shall win a reward that is xx times the amount of bribe given.
This reward can easily be extracted from the property of the bribe taker.

Image source:

UPDATE December 10, 2016:

A recent report of the 22 most corrupt countries in the world clearly shows that as it has always through human history that the most miserable countries of the world are the most corrupt ones. See:

While this study considers countries as a whole, it has also been observed that within countries the most miserable parts are the most corrupt parts of that country.


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