Why Japan and Scandinavia have the Healthiest of Economies in the World

While many modern economists and analysts focus on GDP growth and unemployment as a measure of health of the economy, it is an erroneous concept. An endless growth is neither sustainable nor logical and if it is stressed upon it would only be followed by recession. Further, a nation in which all are compelled to be enslaved into nine to five jobs (i.e. low unemployment rate) cannot be a happy and peaceful society but simply a modern version of an an enslaved feudal one that works for the wealth of a few. Following seven parameters are a far better measure of the health of the economy:
1. GDP divided by population does not change by more than +1/-1 percent

2. Bank Interest rates remain within 1-2 percent

3. Overall inflation/deflation rate is +1/-1 percent

4. Currency is convertible and fluctuates within +1/-1 percent

5. Wealth of top 10% is no more than 10 times the wealth of bottom ten percent

6. Basic healthcare and education is available to all free of cost and peoples money is not in private hands that work for profit (i.e. private banks)

7. The poorest in society is ensured of a bed under a roof and three meals a day not just to appease hunger but also malnutrition
On these seven counts the Japanese economy is perhaps the healthiest in the world followed closely by those of Scandinavian countries and Iceland as also Austria. The poorest countries on a per capita basis that are far from the last and seventh criterion however need a much higher growth than the one percent mentioned here,  that measures the health of the economies that have high per capita income. However if a rich country  has significant numbers that fall in the this last condition, the country is in dire need of being rescued from harm. Countries that come close to the seven conditions listed here have the greatest of peace and happiness. A low - crime rate police brutality, child poverty, homelessness and prison population rate is a natural outcome.


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