Energy models for Future Towns

The rapid depletion of fossil fuel if not the addition of global warming gasses in the atmosphere is sufficient to indicate that current lifestyles of modern humans are not sustainable. A sustainable lifestyle would probably involve the following changes:

A return to small towns rather than living in large cities with public transportation fueled by bio-fuels and electricity.
The use of wood energy from sustainable forest plantations combined with the use of wind energy for meeting the electricity needs of the town.

When wood is burnt from forests that are periodically replenished for more wood the net carbon addition to the atmosphere is zero. New trees absorb the carbon dioxide produced by the power plant. To minimize this wood burning a substantial amount of electricity would have to be produced from wind turbines with the wood burning stepping in to fill the lull in the breeze. With a disappearance of fossil fuels in future, the use of bio-fuels would become necessary to supplement electric driven transportation. These bio-fuels would probably be too expensive for individual cars. A greater use of public transportation and perhaps just walking would become the means for movement within a town. Tree varieties exist that produces both wood and bio-fuel and perhaps even food.

Eventually if the changes visualized here take place it would be better for the health of humans. Life in a big city can be dehumanizing. These changes may be made willingly or unwillingly because it does seem that nature makes unhealthy lifestyles unsustainable in the long run forcing mankind into healthier pattern of living.


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