Cleaning the Ganges

Ma Ganga in Varanasi

With increasing population the once pure river Ganges has become a highly polluted river. The current government is seized with the problem. This note contains two brief suggestions towards this end. The solutions are such that they can be implemented within a year with low expenditure to purify the sacred river.

The Problem of Religious Waste

Many religious items are discarded in the Ganges after religious ceremonies because to discard such items in flowing water that lead to the oceans is the most respected way. However, these are also causing pollution therefore a method is suggested here that will preserve both the purity of Ma Ganga and religious sentiments as well.

The solution is to install incineration plants on the banks of the river in religious towns so that the items are first pulverized and then incinerated before the ashes and pulverized materials are discarded in the Ganges through a continuous conveyor belt system. The system is very easy to set up and once it is set up in religious towns a fine may be instituted to those who discard directly in the river. A drier mat also be installed online as the first step of a continuous conveyor belt system.

Solid Disposal System for River Ganges

The Problem of Industrial and Sewerage Discharge

An even more serious problem is the discharge of industrial wastes. This can be dealt with by building a covered canal parallel to the Ganges in urban limits that captures such discharges and prevents them from reaching the river. An overflow in months such as monsoons may permit some discharge to enter river in high volume months but in such months the pollution problem is minimal because of high flow rates. The discharge would then flow parallel to the Ganges to a man-made lake outside the city limits where, some of it would get treated by natural processes and some can be allowed to enter the river after filtration. The covered cemented portion of the canal would also beautify the river front by providing a cement walkway.

Liquid Waste Disposal System for River Ganges

Both of these steps as proposed here will quickly reduce pollution in the Ganges. The author will gladly supply more details if asked.

Oxygenation of Waste water lake

As oxygenation helps to break down organic matter and waste it is an essential for waste water lakes. An excellent way to do this is to pump compressed air to the lake bottom by compressors driven by a wind mill that will come on automatically every time there is a breeze.

NOTE: Similar methods may be used for any river flowing past major cities in India e.g. Jamuna in Delhi

Ganges Image from

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.


Shobha said…
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Shobha said…
Great suggestions Mal. Question is who will take owner ship of cleansing of the Ganges and simultaneously arrest future pollution. While Modi is a great dynamic and charismatic leader does the BJP as a party have the political will to implement this ? With the the mercurial and tempestuous Uma Bharathi heading the Clean Ganga campaign I have my doubts whether she possesses the commitment,passion, indomitable spirit and the undying enthusiasm to achieve this
Ashok said…
Thanks for your comment Shobha. I think you are underestimating the new government. I have sent links to this post through twitter and and hope they will consider them.

In anycase it is our duty as engineers to provide the engineering solutions to problems facing the country and the world, and after that as the Gita syas the results are in the hands of the Lord :)

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